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Ukraińsko-tureckie Centrum Koordynacyjne Badań Naukowo-Technicznych

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O specjaliście

We offer services in the field of information technology (software development, implementation and maintenance, implementation of automation tools, IT services, BI - analytics services).
We work in various technologies and subject areas: electronic commerce (e-commerce), trade and finance systems, personnel systems, and access control systems, etc. Specialists are highly qualified and experienced in analytical data processing: creating a data warehouse for analytics, application of Excel tools (OLAP), POWER BI, QLIKVIEW for data processing, optimization of selections and data representations, data presentation for creating multiple reports in the analytical designer; data warehouse competencies and technologies: SSIS, SSRS, SQL Profiler Reporting Tools: Excel, Fastreport, Server Reporting Sevices 2008, 2012, Other Tools: MS Office, Visio, MS Excel, MS-Project 2000, MSSQL 2000- 2017, Oracle 8.0- 2012с , MySQL Database Design, Programming, Development and Implementation, Client-Server Applications & Database systems using MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL Use ITL slots in Oracle Desktop - BI, POWER BI-technology SQL Server BI Developer (SSIS / SSRS); developed user defined financial reports to provide on demand financial data analysis using SSRS written and executed complex T-SQL queries using SQL Server Management Studio for back end data validation testing; worked on SSIS and DTS Packages, DTS Import / Export for transferring data from Heterogeneous Database (Text format data) to SQL Server; data migration (import & export BCP) from Text to SQL Server. One of the key areas of activity is the provision of services in the implementation of BI solutions. We offer you an analysis of business processes and their description, an analysis of automation of business processes in a CRM and web system, an analysis of document flow for existing departments and their tasks, creation of analytical reporting (report designer for users). We are ready to show presentations and working solutions, which are integrated with different accounting systems, for trade systems and industries. We help you with optimizing queries and building a storage for analytics.
Our DataScience laboratory in the Ukrainian-Turkish Technopark with NTU KhPI are ready to cooperate. The main direction of the laboratory's work is analytical reporting designer, aggregation of information accumulated over decades of work in business from all ERP systems, sites, mobile systems and obtaining flexible analytical dashboards.
You can independently receive up to a million reports in different formats, work with the analysis in a graphical and tabular version, the system is adapted for iPhones, tablets, PCs. Our laboratory connects science and IT.
Our direction is Bussiness Intelligence.
Development and optimization of business processes, development of olap cubes or dashboards for trading companies, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, medical systems, postal systems, hr, air, railway, scientific companies, banking and many other industries.
Our module complements accounting systems, personnel records systems, document management systems. We create an analytical repository for auditing, monitoring, analysis, and forecasting. We integrate data from different DBMS and file sources.
We put scientific developments for financial, managerial, commodity accounting, optimization of the solution of logistics problems in our developments and we want to enter foreign state and private large companies. To gain access to data, we integrate with foreign it companies that work with the Customer or IT departments that support solutions on the Customer's side.


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Klikając w przycisk „Wyślij” wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez Oferteo S.A., która będzie ich Administratorem. Mamy siedzibę we Wrocławiu (50‑559) przy ul. Świeradowskiej 51‑57/102A. Będziemy przetwarzać Twoje dane osobowe w celu zapewnienia komunikacji pomiędzy Tobą, a tym Dostawcą usług lub produktów, w tym poinformowania Dostawcy kto jest nadawcą wiadomości. Na wypadek rozstrzygania ewentualnych roszczeń lub sporów będziemy przechowywać Twoje dane przez 12 miesięcy. w ten sposób zabezpieczamy interesy Oferteo i wszystkich naszych Użytkowników. Gwarantujemy spełnienie Twoich praw wynikających z ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych (RODO) tj. prawo dostępu, sprostowania oraz usunięcia Twoich danych, ograniczenia ich przetwarzania, prawo do ich przenoszenia, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, niepodlegania zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu, prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, lecz niezbędne do realizacji wyżej wymienionego celu. Więcej na temat sposobu, czasu przetwarzania i przekazywania Twoich danych osobowych oraz skarg, znajdziesz w Polityce Ochrony Prywatności.


ul. Kirpiczewa 2, 61002 Charków




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