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We are pleased to send you our offer to work with us in the field of welding.

we can send to yours company our specialist in welding and electricians areas . Our collaboration will be just between us (contract).

We are providing all help and support to our workers (tickets,hotels,documentations). We send workers with welding tools. Everything it will be on us.

Our team have a specialized groups of welders and electricians.
We’re sending well-qualified professionals with modern equipment directly to the projects.

* authorized and certified specialists ( welding test ) with allowances to work in your country (from 25 euros/h)

Any questions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank You,



Kind Regards
Account Executive & PR

manufacture and reconstruction of trailers.
manufacture and assembly of metalic structures.
industrial maintenance work.
manufacture of doors, grilles,railings,as well as all types of furniture.
manufacture and rapair of tanks cisterns and silos.
mig welding
stick welding
mild steel fabrication
inhouse and on site fitting and repairs
be spoke fabrication work
in door and outdoor furniture
repairs & maintenance
grinding facilities avaliable
linishing services
short lead times,quality service
competitively priced with favourable rates for ongoing projects

We are easily accessible,with great lorry access locaded in central of Europ in Poland to eaisly to get to our clients.
We are specialist manufacturers and installers of bespoke partitioning solutions and can now offer you an outsourced welding service that covers both ferrous and non­ferrous materials.

At DLGS we utilise both MIG & TIG welding processes to cover a wide range of applications and various material thickness. In addition, we can also offer a full resistance welding service suitable for both singular items as well as larger batch production.

We offer this outsourcing opportunity as a way of reducing equipment purchase and maintenance costs, as well as overhead costs. Our in-house capabilities and skills provide a personal service for any size of project, with client satisfaction and quality a priority.

DLGS offer wide variety of products and services that include metal welding,aluminium welding,steelfabrication,metal fabrication,cast welding and steel drilling and many more. -site welding services,and fabricationfor steel,stainless steel and aluminium.Our experienced welders carry out maintenance and repairs very fast.
We offer reilable and quality welding services


Obszar działania



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Polska - Rzeszów

servises: manufacture and reconstruction of trailers. manufacture and assembly of metalic structures. industrial maintenance work. manufacture of doors, grilles,railings,as well as all types of furniture. manufacture and rapair of tanks cisterns and silos. mig welding stick welding mild steel fabrication inhouse and on site fitting and repairs be s...



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Klikając w przycisk „Wyślij” wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez Oferteo S.A., która będzie ich Administratorem. Mamy siedzibę we Wrocławiu (50‑559) przy ul. Świeradowskiej 51‑57/102A. Będziemy przetwarzać Twoje dane osobowe w celu zapewnienia komunikacji pomiędzy Tobą, a tym Dostawcą usług lub produktów, w tym poinformowania Dostawcy kto jest nadawcą wiadomości. Na wypadek rozstrzygania ewentualnych roszczeń lub sporów będziemy przechowywać Twoje dane przez 12 miesięcy. w ten sposób zabezpieczamy interesy Oferteo i wszystkich naszych Użytkowników. Gwarantujemy spełnienie Twoich praw wynikających z ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych (RODO) tj. prawo dostępu, sprostowania oraz usunięcia Twoich danych, ograniczenia ich przetwarzania, prawo do ich przenoszenia, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, niepodlegania zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu, prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, lecz niezbędne do realizacji wyżej wymienionego celu. Więcej na temat sposobu, czasu przetwarzania i przekazywania Twoich danych osobowych oraz skarg, znajdziesz w Polityce Ochrony Prywatności.


Jasionka 926, 36-002 Rzeszow


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