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Zapytanie ofertowe nr 6368347

Szukam drukarni do wydruku naklejek, etykiet, 2szt., Warszawa


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Szczegóły zlecenia

Kategoria: Zlecenia na druk naklejek

Miejsce:    Warszawa - powiat Warszawa, Mazowieckie

Przedmiot zlecenia: naklejki, etykiety

Ilość: 2szt.

Format: 90 średnica

Rodzaj zlecenia: stała współpraca

Usługi dodatkowe: Naklejenie na witrynę

Termin realizacji: jak najszybciej

Dodatkowe informacje: Dzień dobry, chciałbym zapytać o koszt naklejki na koło o średnicy 90  umieszczone na witrynie, czcionka Bauhaus. 
Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968) was an American writer and activist and the first deaf-blind person who graduated from college. She lost her eyesight and hearing at the age of one and a half, as a result of an illness (possibly scarlet fever or meningitis). She did not give up, and learned to explore the world with the help of her other senses. Her parents arranged for her a private teacher, Anna Sullivan, who tamed her outbursts, gained the girl's trust, and later taught her to read tactile writing. Thanks to Anna, Helen started to speak and soon learned Braille. In 1904, she graduated from Radcliffe College. That's where she wrote “My Life Story", which turned out to be a great success. She was an extremely gifted and intelligent individual, she showed that disability does not define ones life. To this day, she continues to be an inspiration for many people.

Nr zapytania ofertowego: 6368347

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