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Zapytanie ofertowe nr 347156

Szukamy wykwalifikowanego freelencera z zakresu UI i UX


Informacja od opiekuna zlecenia

  • podano nr telefonu
  • potwierdziliśmy e-mail
  • zweryfikowaliśmy treść wstępnych oczekiwań

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Szczegóły zlecenia

Kategoria: Zlecenia na tworzenie sklepów internetowych

Miejsce:    Warszawa - powiat Warszawa, Mazowieckie

Szukamy wykwalifikowanego freelencera z zakresu UI i UX.

Termin realizacji zlecenia: marzec 2013r.

Forma współpracy: Faktura VAT /umowa o dzieło

Istnieje możliwość kontynuacji współpracy.

We are looking for a skilled freelance UI & UX designer to make a new design for our website, which consists of a news portal and a webshop. The project should be delivered around the end of March 2013. We will provide your with wireframes of each page. You can work remotely from your home.

We are looking for someone who:
- loves his/her work, has a passion for design
- has experience in UI/UX design to make websites as easy and simple to use as possible
- is not afraid to give his/her opinions and ideas in order to make the final result better
- works organised and feels responsible
- can read English instructions
- can write clear and understandable English in order to communicate about this project

It would be an advantage if you can also deliver table-less HTML and CSS according to your PSD designs.

Please reply to this offer with:
- the cost of your work on our project
- a link to your online portfolio
- the estimated time it will take you to deliver the work

We welcome any questions you might have.
Form of payment: Faktura VAT / umowa o dzieło

If this cooperation will be successful there is a possibility that we will offer you regular design projects in the future.

Proszę o oferty.

Nr zapytania ofertowego: 347156

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