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Zapytanie ofertowe nr 11375859

Zapytania o modela, 19-25 lat, Polkowice


Informacja od opiekuna zlecenia

  • potwierdziliśmy nr telefonu SMS'em
  • potwierdziliśmy e-mail
  • zweryfikowaliśmy treść wstępnych oczekiwań

Dane kontaktowe

A●●●●●● H●●●●●●●●
+48●●●●●●●●●  pokaż
d●●●●@●●●●●  pokaż
  Skontaktuj się  
z tym Klientem

Szczegóły zlecenia

Kategoria: Zapytania o Oferty

Miejsce:    Polkowice - powiat polkowicki, Dolnośląskie

Zapotrzebowanie na: fotomodeling

Płeć: mężczyzny

Wymagane doświadczenie: niewielkie

Wiek modela: 19-25 lat

Oczekiwania wobec modela: 179cm, 74kg

Termin skorzystania z usługi: możliwe od zaraz

Informacje dodatkowe: Hey there.
My name is A•••••••. I’m a professional footballer and I always wanted to try to work in a new field and I thought your agency would be a great fit. I had a previous experience with a photo sessions and now since I am living and playing in Poland, I would like to start it here.
I know that many brands are trying to bring more diversity into their profiles and since I am from a different continent, I certainly look differently from the majority of Polish citizens. I believe that my look is an additional value to my overall abilities. What is more, since childhood I have been doing many sports, mostly playing football and that gave me the opportunity to work on my body more than a regular person does.
Thank you very much in advance and I will be waiting for your reply

Nr zapytania ofertowego: 11375859

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