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Zapytanie ofertowe nr 10384459

Opał, Karatay


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Szczegóły zlecenia

Kategoria: Zlecenia dla składów opału

Miejsce:    Karatay - powiat dzierżoniowski, Dolnośląskie

Rodzaj opału: powder detergent mayfacture +905•••••••••

Ilość: ok. 25t

Dostawa: nie

Wymagania dodatkowe: Respectfully, We, the company Polo Kimya A.S, produce Household chemicals
since 2010 in Turkey. Our high quality products have a good market in Turkey domestic market and 20 different countries based on long-term cooperation. Fuda aims to achieve customer satisfaction with the production of industrial cleaning and hygiene products, sales and marketing, service infrastructure and become the strongest Turkish company among its competitors in the recent period. Thanks to his experienced staff in the field of quality and service, he has combined quality with the right price in front of his clients all over Turkey.
Thus, it aims to take its place among the strong leading brands in the market.
Thank you for the dedication of our team and the satisfaction of our customers.

Termin zakupu: jak najszybciej

Nr zapytania ofertowego: 10384459

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